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Streamflow Snapshot 7-Xwulqw'selu Connections
Streamflow Snapshot 6-Xwulqw'selu Connections
Streamflow Snapshot 5-Xwulqw'selu Connections
Streamflow Snapshot 4-Xwulqw'selu Connections
Streamflow Snapshot 3-Xwulqw'selu Connections
Streamflow Snapshot 2-Xwulqw'selu Connections
Streamflow Snapshot 1-Xwulqw'selu Connections
Cowichan Valley Regional District: Watershed Snapshot Series- Koksilah River
Water Use and Management in the Koksilah River Watershed, Barroso & Wainwright, 2020
External Engagement Summary Report, Modus, 2020
Koksilah Regulatory Response to Low Flows Effectiveness Analysis, Ministry of Environment, 2020
External Engagement Summary Report, Summary 2-pager, Modus, 2020
Ecosystem-Based Assessment of the Koksilah River Watershed (Phase 3), Pritchard, Doyle-Yamaguchi, 2020
Ecosystem-Based Assessment of the Koksilah River Watershed (Phase 1), Pritchard et al., 2019
Water Sustainability Plans: Potential Options, and Essential Content, Curran & Brandes, 2019
Koksilah River Watershed: Preliminary Assessment of Hydraulic Connection, ecological Catalogue, Ministry of Environment, 2019