Natasha Overduin- Joint Executive Director
Natasha is a professional facilitator with a focus on watershed governance. She works for Compass Resource Management, a small firm that specializes in supporting groups in natural resources decision-making. Natasha works to build consensus, commitment, and accountability among cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary groups. Her goal is to help groups get to better outcomes – not only on the land and in the water, but in their conversations, relationships, and decision-making. Natasha is constantly trying to figure out how to move the dial on reconciliation and sustainability. She is excited about the opportunity to support the innovative work in the Koksilah!
Natasha got involved in the Xwulqw'selu in 2022. She helped the government partners design and launch the process in the lead up to the signing of the G2G Agreement. She was then jointly appointed as Executive Director to help manage the process in its first phases.
Natasha lives in Nanaimo, BC.